副教授兼金融系系主任 朱榕屏 老師 (Lon-Ping Zu)
朱榕屏老師 (Lon-Ping Zu)
實踐大學 金融管理學系副教授
實踐大學金管系 專任教師
Swee-yoong Wong, Lon-Ping Zu, and Yu-Ko Huang (2014, Sep). Dynamic Strategic Informed Trading With a Large Trader. Applied Science and Management Research, 1(1),41-55. NSC 102-2410-H-158-005. 本人為通訊作者.
Wang Ming-Chang, Lon-Ping Zu (2013, Nov). Trade Timing, Price Volatility and Serial Correlation. European Financial Management(SSCI,國科會列名財務 A(Tier-2)級期刊), 19(5),911-934. (SSCI). NSC 99-2410-H-158-004.
Lon-Ping Zu, Wang Ming-Chang*,Kuo Chau-Jung (2010, Feb). Risk aversion, order strategy, and price formation. Applied Economics (SSCI), Vol.42,P.627- P.640. (SSCI).
朱榕屏,楊炯星,褚千瑜(2015年10月)。基本工資、損失厭惡、與產業升級。管理資訊計算,4(2),196-207。(國家圖書館期刊資料庫)。本人為第一作者、 通訊作者。
朱榕屏,謝甲輝,施駿敏(2015年09月)。大股東護盤動機之探討。管理資訊計算,4(特刊1),7-15。(國家圖書館期刊資料庫)。科技部:103-2410-H-158- 005。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
王瑞榮,朱榕屏(2013年12月)。A new explanation for excess volatility puzzle。管理資訊計算,2(2),151-167。國科會:101-2410-H-158-005。本人為通訊作者。
陳錦初,朱榕屏,陳吉山(2013年08月)。The timing of informed trading and price continuations。管理資訊計算,2(1),22-39。國科會:101-2410-H-158- 005。本人為通訊作者。
C.S.Yang and L.P.Zu, 1996, No.2,“A new unit-expansion Hypercube-like system,” International Journal of Mini and Microcomputers, pp. 68-75.
C.S.Yang and L.P.Zu, 1996, No.1, “A new fault-tolerant modular tree architecture,” International Journal of Mini and Microcomputers, pp. 33-37
H.Y.Lo and L.P.Zu, 1995, No.1“A new design of a balanced and. self-purging cascaded N-module redundancy (NMR),”Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, pp . 11- 23.
C.S.Yang and L.P.Zu, and Y.N.Wu, 1994, Oct,“A reconfigurable modular fault-tolerant hypercude architecture,” IEEE Trans. Parallel and Distributed Systems, pp . 1018 - 1032.
C.S.Yang and L.P.Zu, and M.C.Sau,1992, No.3,“Reconfigurable ring-connected modular tree architecture,” International Journal of Electronics,pp. 471-482.
C.S.Yang and L.P.Zu, and M.C.Sau,1992, No.2,“A fault-tolerant decoupling binary tree architecture,”International Journal of Mini and Microcomputers, pp.88-92.
H.Y.Lo and L.P.Zu, and C.C.Su, 1990, “General version of reconfigurable N modular redundancy system,” IEE Proceedings, Vol-137, Pt.G, No1, February, 1990.
C.C.Su, L.P.Zu and H.Y.Lo, 1989,“Priority switch design for hybrid redundancy system,”International Journal of Electronics, Vol-66, No.6, pp.879-885.
M.C.Wang, L.P.Zu, C.J.Kuo, 2004, “Order strategy and price formation,“ 12th Coference of Theory and Practics of Securities and Financial Markets.
朱榕屏,王明昌,謝企榮,郭照榮,2003,”台灣股市動能與反向策略,” 2003年行為學暨法與財務學研討會。
L.P.Zu, C.S.Yang, and H.Y.Wu, 1997, “A diagnosis method for router in the multicomputer system,”Proceedings of 1997 workshop on Distributed System Technologies & Applications.
C.S.Yang and L.P.Zu, 1995, “A new fault-tolerant cube-connected cycles architecture,” 陸軍官校電機,資訊基礎學術研討會。
H.Y.Lo and L.P.Zu, 1994, “A low hardware complexity global fault-tolerant multicomputer system esign,” 第二屆太空科技研究研討會。
C.S.Yang and L.P.Zu, 1994, “Two expansible multistage interconnection networks, ”Proc. 1994 International Coference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Computer Society, pp.373-378.